Purple Yam Chips (Ratalu Chips)
Purple Yam Chips also know as Ratalu chips Is highly addictive in nature due to its resemblance to potato chips but with higher nutritional benefits.
Purple Yam Chips Benefit:
Rich in Antioxidants:
Contains a wonder chemical called anthrocyanins – Regular Consumption of Anthocyanins rich food proven to reduce the risk of cancer.
Naturally Filled with Vitamic C – potent anti Oxidants which helps in prevent free radical so that it doesnt damage the body cell
Rich In Dietary Fibre:
Due to its fibrous nature, It increases the bowl movement, Intestinal absorption and overall intestinal health which is know to reduce lots of gastrointestinal problem.
Not only that but due to improved gastrointestinal health, Body can control the blood sugar level much more efficiently which helps decrease the chances of diabetes and cardiovascular disease.
Purple Yam Chips is a Good Source of Energy:
Consuming purple yam chips now and again may help you get the energy you need to get through the day.
It is a rich source of carbohydrates, which helps your body to function well.
You tend to feel extremely tired when your body doesn’t have enough carbohydrates.
It will also helps to make you more productive.
Helps in Improvement of Asthmatic condition: